Tuesday, June 30, 2009


June 30, 2009
After a surprisingly uneventful flight, a few days around Alicante, and a beautiful train ride, we are here. Our first days in Spain were spent sleeping and fighting the heat in Campello. It is a beautiful tourist town with small beaches and lots of heat. We now understand the purpose of a siesta is not to nap but to avoid this incenerating heat. In Barcelona, we are volunteering with an organization called Puente Arab to teach Spanish and English to recent immigrants from Arabic nations. The few hours a week that we are going to be able to spend here are a great distraction from the busy-ness of meandering from beach to historical site to napping. While Barcelona is beautiful, it may be the hottest city we have ever been in... Nias, Indonesia has nothing on this place. Jimmy is still fighting with technology and limited Spanish as he tries to settle in. I´ve given up on actually using the correct spanish and just spew my broken Mexican-style spanish on whomever I need to speak to. Delightful. I think our pics have been uploaded to our flicker account, which you should be able to access from here. Well, my time on the computer is limited, but I will try to return with better updates in the near future. Remember that you can text us for free... we´d love to hear from you :)
Much Love,
Jimmy and Celeste

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