Sunday, June 24, 2012


We just received notification that we have our biometrics appointment next Friday. The timing is perfect since that's the last day of work for this school year and we can scoot out early! This is part of the requirements for the adoption visa. So, I guess that means our paperwork is being processed and we should be ready to submit our dossier soon.

Happy almost-summer vacation!
Jimmy and Celeste

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Visa Application Submitted

We may be the slowest people on the planet when it comes to getting all of our paperwork completed and submitted. Needless to say, we finally were able to send our I600A application to USCIS. We're expecting a 10-12 week wait before we get approval for our visa. At that point, we should be ready to send off our dossier to Ethiopia!  Most people get a super-cute picture of themselves with the Fed Ex person  when they submit this application, but we're just not that cool. Instead, we've got a picture of ourselves at Kinko's. You can sort of see our Fed Ex person behind us. Does that count? If successful parenting is contingent on taking the right pictures, we are so in trouble!